
Shareit exe
Shareit exe

Or in one line: C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe create MongoDB binPath="'C:\*****\mongod.exe' -service -config='C:\Users\****\Desktop\FanshaweCollege\semester3\Servers\mongodb.

shareit exe

Note: Here carets ( ^) are to escape carriages return. 'C:\Users\****\Desktop\FanshaweCollege\semester3\Servers\mongodb.cfg'" ^ In your example, the correct syntaxe should be: C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe create MongoDB ^īinPath="'C:\*****\mongod.exe' -service -config=^ Contents Key features Cost Safety What are the key features of SHAREit Transfer: SHAREits main feature is the file transfer, whether its about pictures, music, or documents. It started as a part of Lenovo and is now owned by Smart Media4U. try caret ( ^) instead or single quote inside double quotes SHAREit is a sharing and file transfer app that promises a fast cross-platform speed. Not sure you can do this with \ in path because in your example it can be interpreted as a folder.

shareit exe

You have to deal with double/single quotes ( " and '). service -config=\"C:\Users\****\Desktop\FanshaweCollege\semester3\Servers\mongodb.cfg\"" sc.exe create MongoDB binPath = "C:\Users\****\Desktop\FanshaweCollege\semester3\Servers\bin\mongod.exe

Shareit exe